Dr. Abdelhamid Elzoheiry has asked me to join The nucleus of 3 very active and intelligent staff members of school of medicine to start the learning resource center (LRC). I participated in all of its projects till I left it.
About LRC
The learning Resource center is a pioneering robust regional facility hosting several educational projects
funded by different international and national agencies and fully supported by the Faculty of Medicine,
Kasr Al Ainy School of Medicine, Cairo University. A 6 – floor, state – of – the – art facility constructed
on 1800sqm, the LRC is expected to be complete and fully functional by September 2006 (phase one
complete and functional by October 2005) to deliver educational courses for more than 9000
undergraduate students, 3500 postgraduate students and 1200 residents using innovative educational aids.
Creating the ideal standard of the medical learning environment is the mission of this center.
The LRC currently hosts four projects, two are funded by the European Commission and the other two are
funded by the Higher Education Enhancement Project Fund (HEEPF) that supports innovative projects all
through the country through a fund from the world bank.
Tempus Funded Projects
S4MedEdu: a 3 – year project (due date: August 07 ) that aims to restructure the teaching process
through integrating simulation in the educational aids necessary for clinical skill acquisition.
VLE: a one – year project (due date: June 06 ) that aims to complement the structural requirements
for the simulated learning environment.
HEEPF funded projects
ITCST: a 3 – year project (due date: September 2006 ) that aims to develop student –centered
educational processes using most updated technology. By the completion of the project, the
required cadre will have been developed and students will have full access to the learning
environment that cultivates skills that meet international standards.
CDML: a 2 – year project (due date: February 2007) that aims to create the conditions necessary
for immaculate research and literature access. By the completion of this project in February 2007
, seven universities will have pooled their resources for online access.