Life Trail

OK, trying to make things tidyr 🙂 I started making a timeline:

First day of the medical school, everybody seams like expecting a disk and lots of knowledge to understand and to note.

The whole intake was in the auditorium. I was staying in a hotel in the Ataba district and taking the metro early to catch a seat. I could not find a free one. I expected that my ever-helping hoppies of drawing and abstracting beside the photographic mempry that I have developed over the previous years will be helpful in the university.

First day two days were introduction to the subjects, remembering Dr. Fawzi Gaballah and Dr. Nagat Younan introducing themselves, the books and giving the first lecture. I went back to the hotel and started to do my own drawings of the medical school in colour sketches.

With language barriers in the first two years it was really hard to proceed.. another story to tell.

In this day I went with a CD to the dean of Cairo University school of medicine, Dr. Saleh Bedir,  to propose for building the faculty of medicine website. He was not there so I went to director of the hospitals Dr. Assem Alfiky, he was there, opened the CD and told me that he was thinking about something, and he replied with other things that seamed irrelevant so I did not focus. I went to Dr. Nadia Badrawi, the director of MEDC, she gave me a positive reply and asked me to write a proposal with a timeline. I met also Dr. Hesham Sedky at MEDC.

In the second day, I went to Mr. Metawe3 ‘ (Director of youth , activities, development and affairs office)  he escorted me to the dean’s office and directly introduced me to him. The dean, Dr. Saleh Bedir went through my hand-written proposal and wrote a referral on its top to the director of MEDC, Dr. Nadia Badrawi.

We headed directly to her office, she was surprised that I am comming this time with a referral from the dean. She read the proposal, and questioned about the signature of the dean. It was convincing especially that Mr. Metawe3 was accompanying me.

She discussed it briefly and asked for Dr. Hesham and Mr. Ahmed Abdelwahed, the administrative director of MEDC and gave instructions to provide a room with two computers, and internet for me, from where I started.

Dr. Abdelhamid Elzoheiry has asked me to join The nucleus of 3 very active and intelligent staff members of school of medicine to start the learning resource center (LRC). I participated in all of its projects till I left it.

About LRC

The learning Resource center is a pioneering robust regional facility hosting several educational projects
funded by different international and national agencies and fully supported by the Faculty of Medicine,
Kasr Al Ainy School of Medicine, Cairo University. A 6 – floor, state – of – the – art facility constructed
on 1800sqm, the LRC is expected to be complete and fully functional by September 2006 (phase one
complete and functional by October 2005) to deliver educational courses for more than 9000
undergraduate students, 3500 postgraduate students and 1200 residents using innovative educational aids.
Creating the ideal standard of the medical learning environment is the mission of this center.

The LRC currently hosts four projects, two are funded by the European Commission and the other two are
funded by the Higher Education Enhancement Project Fund (HEEPF) that supports innovative projects all
through the country through a fund from the world bank.

Tempus Funded Projects

S4MedEdu: a 3 – year project (due date: August 07 ) that aims to restructure the teaching process
through integrating simulation in the educational aids necessary for clinical skill acquisition.
VLE: a one – year project (due date: June 06 ) that aims to complement the structural requirements
for the simulated learning environment.

HEEPF funded projects

ITCST: a 3 – year project (due date: September 2006 ) that aims to develop student –centered
educational processes using most updated technology. By the completion of the project, the
required cadre will have been developed and students will have full access to the learning
environment that cultivates skills that meet international standards.
CDML: a 2 – year project (due date: February 2007) that aims to create the conditions necessary
for immaculate research and literature access. By the completion of this project in February 2007
, seven universities will have pooled their resources for online access.

to focus on my clinical career, preserve position LRC temporarily
left the default medical/primary healthcare services to shift to ophthalmology as an independent physician
as a visiting resident
To focus on my primary clinical and research goals.
to share in starting the research department at the hospital
After 4.5 years, long time, much lernt.
at Ulm University, during my first visit to Europe,

in the same visit I visited Vienna, Lausanne, Sion, DĂĽsseldorf, Essen, Hamburg, LĂĽbeck ..

Interesting visit!

to start my MSc thesis in computation biology at Ulm University (part of MSC Advanced Oncology).

Funded by DAAD

Nice time, diverse of things lernt to benefit Oncology
To start the doctorate studies and work
Specialist Ophthalmologist
Berlin Physicians Chamber, Berlin Germany.
Medical Retina Fellow
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin