CCHE 57357 Research Summer School
I have organized this training program for medical students and early medical and biomedical graduates at Children’s Cancer Hospital hospital 57357 between 2011 and 2013. The instructors included experts in clinical and biomedical research from hospital 57357 and researchers from different Egyptian research institutes. The course trained over 300 participants. The recordings are available below.
Research summer school 2013
Watch on Youtube: Here
Research summer school 2012
Watch on YouTube: Here
Research summer school 2011
Publications resulted from the course
The courses resulted in many publications by the students, besides reports that I have published about the courses:
- Amgad M, AlFaar AS (2014) Integrating web 2.0 in clinical research education in a developing country. J Cancer Educ 29:536–40.
- Alfaar AS, Hassan WM, Bakry MS, Ezzat S (2017) Clinical Research Recession: Training Needs Perception Among Medical Students. J Cancer Educ 32:728–733.
- Alfaar A, Nour R (2014) What a reference manager can add for a physician in web 2.0 era. Egypt J Cardiothorac Anesth 8:55.
- Hassanain O, Adel N, Kamal M, et al (2012) Building the First ELearning Paediatric Oncology Clinical Pharmacy Program for Developing Countries. In: European Conference of Oncology Pharmacy. European Journal of Oncology Pharmacy, Budapest, Hungary
- AlFaar AS (2011) Teaching Clinical Research Leadership Skills for Undergraduate Medical Students and Impact on Public Health. . In: Washington DC: US Department of State Fellows Congress.